Monday 5 October 2009

Pink Ribbons days

Breast cancer is the leading cause of cancer in women worldwide.
In Norway 2761 new instances of breast cancer were diagnosed in 2007. I was one of the 2761!
In all 33889 women living in Norway have once been diagnosed with breast cancer. The breast cancer survival rate has increased, due to improvements in early diagnostic procedures followed by more tailored and/or more aggressive therapies. More patients are longterm survivors and live with the longterm side effects of the disease and treatment. Different rehabilitation programmes have been developed to treat the side effects occurring after the treatment of breast cancer. Although rehabilitation of breast cancer patients has been a priority during the last years, there still a need for evidence on which types of interventions are the most effectual.
Physical activity after primary cancer treatment may increase quality of life and reduce fatigue. Physical exercise and physiotherapy have been very important to me in order to manage to do my job and make life bearable; so thank you Gunnhild (my physiotherapist)! But only one physio-hour every third week is NOT TO MUCH!!!!

So when you see somebody with Pink Ribbon-action in your neightbourhood; think of us Pink ladies! Pink Ribbon is an international movement to promote breast cancer awareness and to raise funds for breast cancer research. The goal of the Norwegian Pink Ribbon movement is to express solidarity with those affeced by breast cancer, spread information and increase knowledge of breast cancer related issues as well as to raise funds for breast cancer research.
October has become the international breast cancer awareness month. Think PINK!

1 comment:

SewCalGal said...

Thanks for sharing your insights. Very important topic that we need to continue to increase awareness of.



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