In their classroom in the basement many quilts were displayed on the walls. Enjoy these pictures :-)
This wonderful flying geese-quilt is machine embroidered.
Cute stitcheries.
"Le Jardin"; Rouenneries-fabrics from Moda; JUST BEAUTIFUL!!
This pattern is sold as a BOM from Quiltefryd.
A Tilda-look pillow.
You could easily be tempted to spend a great deal of money in this quiltshop.....
Close-up of the little tablerunner. Cute!
Two purses in candy-colors.
Beryl helped me with a big smile and she had her birtday that very day!!! Happy Birtday to you, Beryl!!!
The owner of Quiltefryd; Åsne.
My goodies from Quiltefryd and one fabric from another shop; Nåløyet.
I'm always in a hurry and short of time! I want to have at least 30 hours a day........... Then I could sew more :-)
This is a dream post for those of us who live to quilt. The quilts were beautiful, but those purses were precious. I loved your selection of photos.
Takk for titten! Utrolig mye fint!
Skulle gjerne hatt noen timer i den butikken :-)
Deler ønsket om 30 timers dager om en kunne brukt de ekstra timene til hobbyen.
Oh My Elin....what a gorgeous lot of pics...beautiful handwork and so inspirational!
Kind Regards
Hi Elin,
I just wanted to let you know that I made use of one of your lovely stitchery designs. I've stitched up the friend angels and am making a little hanging pillow for my best friend. I've blogged about it if you want to see the result
But don't expect too much as I'm only a novice embroiderer!
Kjempefine bilder fra Quiltefryd. Ja, det er en kjempekjekk butikk å være i og veldig trivelige damer der.
Samtidig vil jeg takke deg for alle de fine stitchery motivene du finner og formidler til oss. Tusen takk!!
Ha en trivelig helg.
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