Wednesday, 11 February 2009

"Imagine that!"

During our stay in Hjørring in Denmark last summer, I went on an exhibition in Vendsyssel Historiske Museum. Stunning quilts from around the world were on display in Hjørring from Husquerna - Viking International Quilt exhibition called Imagine That!

Imagine That!
The 2006-contest received 116 entries from 18 countries around the world. 50 quilts (48 quiltartists) were accepted from 12 countries.Here are the quilts from the 2006 competition.

"The Convoluted Rope"
Hisae Okazaki
Kumamoto City, Japan

First Prize:
Chantilly, FRANCE
The open front door kind of invites us to take a look inside, which reveals another door and yet another, providing a path for the imagination as to who's living there and who may soon come out - either to pause in the cozy inner yard or continue out to us in the street and disappear in the city.

" Cinquefolia"
Maija Brummer
Helsinki, Finland

Dianne Firth
ACT, Australia
Judge's Choice
"Springtime Forever"
Gundelfingen, GERMANY
Springtime is the rebirth of nature and also my own rebirth. During springtime, I enjoy the nature growing, the colors of flowers, the sun shining and giving us warmth. This season gives me strength and allows me to develop new ideas. Why couldn't springtime hold on a little longer?!!

"Crystal Water"
Maya Chaimovich
Ramat Gan, Israel
Honorable Mention
"August 2005"
Canton, Georgia, USA
In August 2005, my daugther-in-law Rebecca Carner took a photo of her sons, Leo and Toy, on the Mississippi Gulf Coast. It was a day of brilliant clear skies and sparkling water. Then days later, Hurricane Katrina brought the fury of unbelievable destruction to this very place. Frayed edges, loose threads and missing pieces symbolize the fragility of our lives and experiences, and yet the memory can glow with brilliance in our imaginations.

"Cosmic Butterfly"
Cyn Cillick Giest
Michigan, USA

Second Prize
Latham, Australian Capitol Territory, AUSTRALIA
It's midnight and the family is sound asleep, all except young Gavin. Equipped with a torch, his favorite book and a vivid imagination, Gavin's wildest dreams come to life, emerging from the camouflage of a dense jungle, right there in his bedroom. Curiously, the prehistoric fantasies approach their your creator, oblivious but snug under his cowboy quilt. Are thescreatures really there in his bedroom or are they just his Imaginasaurus?

Heidi and Gunhild enjoyed the beachlife in Denmark.

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