I had to wait for my PET scan a month last year. Instead of waiting for my appointment at home, I decided to visit my mother. We had a lovely time in Lofoten. She has been a great comfort for me and my family during my period of sickness.
All of the pictures are taken with another camera (I got a new one last April) and are one year old. But I want to share them with you.

But the nature is gorgeous!!!!
During Desember and January the North of Norway is missing real daylight. These polar nights is fascinating time of the year.
The rental with my mother waiting for the ferry.
We stayed at my mothers cousine Arvid and his welcoming wife Torill.
Arvid and my mother. Every time we visit Arvid and Torill it feels like coming home.
Aunt Helga's home.
The view from their yard. Breathtaking.
My grandmother lived in this house until she was too sick to live alone. This was the first time for me to se the house after it was sold. A little mournful for me.....
My mother grew up in this house. A cousine of hers has renovated it. Very cosy!!
The house in Melbuskogen from a different angle.
On the ferry back again. My mother enjoys a cup of coffee.
This picture is taken at 3 o'clock in the afternoon!
Taken during the ferry-ride.

Such BEAUTIFUL photos. I would love to visit someday. Absolutely breathtaking. Thank you for sharing. ooxx`jodi
Takk for turen. Koselig å se bilder fra nordafra igjen.
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