Please go back to my Easter Mystery part 1 and look at picture under step 6 and 7.
I have layed my strips or rows displaced compared to eachother. This because I want to arrange my rectangles like bricks.
The easy way to make my rectangles look like bricks is to cut every second strip/row at the top and every second at the buttom.
Cut 2 1/4" off every strip/row number 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 and 11 AT THE TOP of the strip/row.
Additional you cut off 2 1/4" on strip/row number 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 AT THE BUTTOM of the strip/row.
Now you can sew the rows together.
Sew strip/row 1 and 2 together, 3 and 4, 5 and 6, 7 and 8, 9 and 10.
Iron the seem open.
Sew row 1+2 together with 3+4, and so on until you have one piece of all your rows. Press all the long seems open. Look at the picture below...........
Further specifications:
Unfortunately you have to wait until my return back home to get the rest of my Easter Mystery. This because I had too much to do before our travel to Tromsø. I'm really sorry for this and I know it may be a little tiresome for you. I had to give priority to my Mother-in-laws birtdaygift and my time was tighten up. During the National Championship for skijump and Nordic combined late in March, I had leader responsibility for all the people who were volunteers (nearly 200). This work came on top of my everyday-work as a RAMS engineer and it took a lot of my energy and strength. A report had to be send to one of our customers at work, so two of my days off were cancelled as well. So my time-limit was crossed.
But; You can follow the Easter Mystery and make this tablerunner for Easters to come :-)
Anyway; I want to wish you all A HAPPY EASTER.
1 comment:
This is looking great, I'll have to come back and do this tutorial when I return from vacation. I love the look of all the lights together.
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